| Paulo Freire Politics and Education (Out of Print) 1998 120 pp. Out of Print. 0-87903-084-4 Paper $15.95 Latin American Studies, Vol. 83
A collection of Freire's most significant writing on political-pedagogical praxis. The Introduction by Carlos Alberto Torres and Afterword by Moacir Gadotti discuss Freire's life, scholarship, and theoretical contribution in the larger context of politics, education, and social theory.
“Some individuals are able to generate insights that are so powerful and so compelling that they become teachers of people throughout the world. I know of no one more significant in this regard than Paulo Freire. . . . His ability to speak the truth about education and social justice continues to provide us with utterly crucial resources for hope. . . . Anyone who has been influenced by his eloquence, his methods, or his arguments should read this volume.”
—Michael W. Apple, John Bascom Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison