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Rodrigo Ranero

Assistant Professor
Department: Spanish and Portuguese
345 Portola Plaza
5310 Rolfe Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Tel: (310) 825-1036
Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Guatemala

Rodrigo Ranero is a linguist interested in syntax and phonology. He takes a cross-linguistic approach, focusing on Mayan languages, Spanish, and Bantu languages. Topics he has worked on include the identity condition on ellipsis, (optional) agreement, sibilant harmony, linearization, syntactic ergativity, and information structure. Language reclamation and documentation are also a key part of his work. Professor Ranero has contributed to these areas in his home country of Guatemala (Xinka, Kaqchikel, Tz’utujil), and in California (Rumsen). He was previously a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the American Indian Studies Center and received his PhD in Linguistics at the University of Maryland, College Park.