Uma mulher limpa
investigações sobre a mulher e a poesia

A talk with poet Angélica Freitas, as part of the Colloquium on Brazil
Thursday, October 10, 2019
2:00 PMLydeen Library
4302 Rolfe Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Angélica Freitas (Pelotas, Brazil, 1973) is the author of two books of poetry, Rilkeshake (Phoneme Press), translated by Hilary Kaplan and winner of the Best Translated Book Award and of the National Translation Award in 2016, and Um útero é do tamanho de um punho (A uterus is the size of the fist), chosen best book of poetry in 2012 by Associação Paulista de Critics de Arte. As a writer, she has also worked in collaboration with Brazilian artists such as Nuno Ramos and Odyr Bernardi, as well as musicians Juliana Perdigão and Vitor Ramil. Freitas's poems have been published in magazines such as Poetry, Granta and Modern Poetry in Translation.
Cost: Free & Open to the Public
Download File: angelica_UCLA-2r-ezq.pdf
Sponsor(s): Center for Brazilian Studies, Spanish and Portuguese, Center for Brazilian Studies, Spanish & Portuguese