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Tamar Hofnung


Israel Institute Fellow
Email: tamarhof@g.ucla.edu

Keywords: Politics, Sociology, Women's Studies

Tamar Hofnung, Ph.D., is the Israel Institute Fellow at UCLA's Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies and UCLA’s Department of Sociology. Prior to joining UCLA, Tamar held the Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellowship at UC Berkeley's Sociology Department.

Having earned her Ph.D. in Political Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tamar specialized in human rights under the joint program "Human Rights Under Pressure" with Freie Universität Berlin. Tamar has also served as a Japanese government scholar (MEXT), conducting research for two years at Kyoto University's Institute of Research in Humanities.

Tamar's ongoing research focuses on racial and gender equality policies in Israel and the United States, with a specific emphasis on gender violence and equitable representation. Her scholarly contributions have been recognized with prestigious awards, including the Annenberg Foundation Prize of Excellence in American Studies, the Jacques Nass Political Economy Prize of Excellence, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Post-Doctoral Award for Exceptional Female Researcher.

Tamar teaches the following courses:

“Governing the Mosaic: Israel’s Minority Politics in Comparative Perspective”
“National Security vs. Human Rights; Israel in Comparative Perspective”
“Sociology of Gender: Israel as a Microcosm of Global Trends”