Please consider investing in CMED’s work. As we embark on each new year, looking at the ever-changing challenges in the Middle East, we are humbled by the attention to and need for our work. Your tax-exempt gifts to our Center help ensure the long-term health and vitality of CMED, allowing us to attract and retain the best and the brightest - through student fellowships, advanced courses and competitive faculty support - and to provide the highest quality of programs and services.
A gift of any size is both meaningful and greatly appreciated. You may make an outright gift (by check or credit card) or a pledge payable over time (1-5 years). You may donate online, or download a gift/pledge form to return to us by mail. If you have any questions about giving to the UCLA Center for Middle East Development, please contact Steve Spiegel at or Sara Broukhim at We will be happy to discuss specific gift opportunities such as endowments, bequests, or planned gifts that may provide additional tax benefits and income to the donor.
To give now, please click the link below to go to our secure online giving site. Thank you for your consideration.
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