The workshop will include presentations by UCLA and other Los Angeles university faculty, a trip to the Pacific Asia Museum's interactive Silk Road exhibit, and opportunities to share and develop new classroom techniques and lesson plans based on workshop materials and library research. The first week will focus on the nature of trade, cultural transmission, and social transformation from the ancient to the early modern eras, including the Silk Road, the Mongols, the Indian Ocean trade routes, and the roles of Buddhism and Islam in economic tranformation. The second week will focus on the age of colonialism and imperialism, and the industrial revolution in Europe and Asia. The workshop will also feature lessons on economic theory and contemporary issues of trade and geopolitics.
Robert Brenner, European History, UCLA
Nile Green, History of India and South Asia, UCLA
Natasha Heller, Buddhism, UCLA
Diane Keenan, Economics, Cerritos College
John Langdon, Silk Road and Central Asia, UCLA
Ron Mellor, Ancient History, UCLA
Solomon Namala, Economics, Cerritos College
Fred Notehelfer, Japanese History, UCLA
Ken Pomeranz, Chinese History, UC Irvine
Geoffrey Symcox, European History, UCLA
John Wills, Chinese History, USC
and the Honorable Elin Suleymanov, Consul General of Azerbaijan
Hosted by the Center for European and Eurasian Studies, the Asia Institute, and the UCLA History and Geography Project, with support from the Anderson School's CIBER program.
Cost: $100
UCLA Extension quarter units are available for a fee.
>To register online go to>
Published: Monday, March 31, 2008