Tackling the Challenge of Developing A New Internet Architecture

Tackling the Challenge of Developing A New Internet Architecture

Lecture by UCLA Prof. Lixia Zhang, at Peking University

Observations, lessons, and insights from the first five years of the Named Data Networking project.

Thursday, April 23, 2015
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


The Named Data Networking (NDN) project will be celebrating its 5th anniversary this fall. During this short exciting period the NDN team has followed an application-driven approach and prototyped a wide range of different applications. Designing, implementing, and demonstrating these applications yielded lessons about the advantages and challenges of the NDN architecture. In this talk I will share with you a few observations and lessons learned, as well as new insights into the potential impact this new network architecture may bring to the broader computing area.

Short bio:

Lixia Zhang is a professor at the Computer Science Department of UCLA. She received her Ph.D in computer science from MIT, worked at Xerox PARC as a member of the research staff and joined UCLA in 1995. In the past she served as the vice chair of ACM SIGCOMM, member of the Internet Architecture Board, and co-chair of the Routing Research Group under IRTF. She is a fellow of ACM and IEEE, the recipient of 2009 IEEE Internet Award, and the holder of UCLA Postel Chair in Computer Science. She has been leading the Named Data Networking (NDN) project development since 2010.


张教授是IEEE/ACM fellow,本次受中心邀请,来访CECA。报告与网络所联合主办,网络所、计算机科学技术研究所的老师和同学们也会来参加。希望大家没有课的话尽量都能参加。
