To learn more about our ongoing programs dedicated to serving students, faculty, and the community, read the UCLA CSEAS 2022-2023 Year-in-Review!
We encourage you to participate in our
events to educate UCLA students and the public
about Southeast Asia, and support our programs and initiatives to train the next generation of Southeast Asia
Private philanthropy is critical to the health and vitality of our program. There are many ways to give, including outright gifts, pledges payable over time, and permanent endowments. All gifts are tax-deductible and may be directed to the area of greatest interest to you.
We look forward to discussing how your gift can make a significant impact!

To learn more about how you can help support us, please contact:
Nguyet Tong
Assistant Director, UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies
11288 Bunche Hall
Box 951487
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487
Stephen Acabado
Director, UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies