CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - "Western Ottomanists' Workshop (WOW) Fall '22"
UCLA will be hosting the Western Ottomanists' Workshop (WOW) in person on November 18-19, 2022 and is pleased to open a call for paper submissions to this workshop.
Deadline for Applications: August 1, 2022
(Funding for graduate students available)
The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) will be hosting the Western Ottomanists’ Workshop (WOW) in person on November 18-19, 2022. (Friday-Saturday). Some panels will be available for Zoom participation. WOW 2022 organizers encourage interested graduate students with works in progress to apply for this workshop using this Google Form. Funding for travel and accommodation is available for graduate students. Graduate applicants who need funding should follow the instructions in the form to be considered for funding. Faculty members, instructors, adjuncts and independent scholars interested to attend should also get in touch using the Google Form; we would love to welcome you in person!
The deadline for applications and RSVPs is August 1, 2022.
Baki Tezcan, President of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association (OTSA) will be moderating the keynote panel featuring Sebouh Aslanian, UCLA, and Christine Philliou, UC Berkeley.
Heather Ferguson, editor of Journal of Ottoman and Turkish Studies (JOTSA), will be conducting a professionalization workshop about academic publishing for graduate students and early career scholars. Senior scholars will also be present to share their experiences on the review process.
WOW was founded in 2010 to bring together scholars and researchers based in the Western regions of the United States who are working to advance the study of the Ottoman Empire and its interactions with the wider world from the period of the late thirteenth century up until the early decades of the twentieth century.
Two years into this pandemic, many of us have not had a chance to meet each other in person. WOW 2022 aims to provide a space for in-person meeting, discussion, feedback, and conversation. Join us!
Please direct all queries to
Applications for WOW 2022 will only be accepted via this Google Form.
Published: Thursday, May 5, 2022