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Claudia Jones, A Life of Struggle and Exile

Claudia Jones, A Life of Struggle and Exile

Bunche Center Library & Media Center
135 Haines Hall

Claudia Jones, a native of Trinidad, was a radical black feminist and communist. She was deported from the United States during the McCarthy-era witch hunts in the 1950s. In England she became a leading journalist and activist voice of the Black British community


Cost : Free and open to the public

Download file: Marika-Sherwood-lectureClaudia-Jones-df-3dj.pdf

Sponsor(s): African Studies Center, Latin American Institute, Gender Studies, UCLA “Cultures in Transnational Perspective”, Mellon Postdoctoral Program in the Humanities, UCLA Cuba and Caribbean Interdisciplinary Working Group

10 Mar 11
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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