The UCLA Program on Central Asia is pleased to announce that it will be holding a conference on language and identity in Central Asia on May 4-5, 2012. Graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and junior faculty will take part in a two-day workshop to present and discuss their work in this area. These participants will be joined by a group of three invited established scholars in the field and faculty discussants. Confirmed invited scholars are Professors Azade-Ayse Rorlich of the University of Southern California, and Gardner Bovingdon of Indiana University, and Harsha Ram of UC Berkeley. Other invited scholars will be listed on the conference webpage as soon as their participation has been confirmed.
The conference is organized along four axes of interaction between Central Asia and other parts of the world:
contact with the Islamic Middle East and Ottoman world
contact with the Russian Empire and its successor states
internal contact among populations of Central Asia
contacts with China and East Asia
Each axis will begin with a keynote talk by an invited scholar, followed by one or two panels that further explore the area.
For full schedule and more information, please visit the conference website.