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Study Abroad Journey Leads to White House

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As a student of Mexican-American heritage, UCLA student Josue Lopez felt motivated to help the unemployment problem that the Latino community faced during the recession but had no idea where to start. Then, with the help of his Campus EAP Director, he learned that Southeast Asia presented a great opportunity to learn from one of the world's most innovative regions.

Josue pursued his major in international development at Thammasat University’s Faculty of Economics in Bangkok, where he studied finance, international business strategy, and marketing.

Since his return home, the journey that started with UCEAP has taken Josue all the way to the White House, where he worked on President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board and in the Presidential Personnel Office. Josue is currently a New Business Development Specialist at the Treasury Department Recreation Association and is an active member in social entrepreneurial projects such as Margarita Cleaning, a green cleaning company he co-founded that aims to develop its associates into entrepreneurs.

"My experience in Thailand taught me how to implement innovation in the Latino community and opened doors to work for the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board at the Treasury Department and ultimately at the White House. Thank you UCEAP, because if it wasn’t for your program, my family, and friends, I would never have attained these achievements."

Learn more about UCEAP's Thailand programs.

Visit Josue's website.